Category: tv drama

Tv repeats

I do not wish to say that I have been watching a lot of tv. It would seem that way with what I am about to say, but really tv companies why oh why are we having constant repeats. Last sunday viewing was the exact same today. What are we paying a tv licence to the bbc for anyway. They now have cash prize shows and nothing new to watch surely its time to go for the ad’s and let the people pay for the viewing they wish to pay for. As for the rest and I do not for one minute think sky any better for repeating. But ch 5 seriously how stupid do you think we all are. Try something new please. Who do we have to write to to stop the madness.


I am stunned truly, having just watched an advert for predasors. Dinosaurs with hand made weapons fighting to protect their island… What the??? Seriously kids don’t do it. Don’t collect the cards or the toys with glow in the dark teeth.