Archive for August, 2014

I wish these movies would become extinct .. Truly loosing my love of movies, watching these now. It’s time for Hollywood to say enough.

Being off does give one the opportunity to watch many more movies. Today with my @propercorn ( however seems very burnt) so not as nice. I have been watching .
Noah. Staring Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly.
As movies go and for a big blockbuster. All I can say the camera action following the birds into the ark.. Wow! And not wow that was amazing.. Wow! This is bad. So I give this a 3 out of 10. It’s prob going to be on one Easter Sunday, and hey that’s ok it’s that type of film. All have eaten and relaxing watching the Sunday movie. And the good part is.. You fall asleep!

Guardians Of The Galaxy

Have been so excited to see this movie all year. So with my three packets of Propercorn (sweet n salty tucked in my jacket).. (Don’t judge me) I sat and munched my way through the film.. Propercorn really does make the film experience perfect, cinema corn is just not right any more.. I digress, Back to the movie.
Rocket the genetically modified raccoon , feeling sorry for him does last the movie. But he is a wise cracking smart wee begger. You just would not mess. So I give this film big thumbs up and can’t wait for number two.. How do we know that, well they kindly tell you at the end of the film.